Read "Son, life is so short to hesitate" .....
Already to feel iciness of early winter do that could contact a really unexpected great book in this season that know same .If contacted this book in schoolday a little more fast, convincing thing much changes might come to my life, mind swells in ceremony of mission that I am going to plant necessarily these instructions to my children and I must design worth days of firm vision and very far life to my life before own also is later.Can not go simply being born in the world.Must not minimum traces that I go with living reserve?My name iron-scoop net, or my proud achievement, or is good and grown-up my children, two is long excellently and must leave really worth something to long life.Could get the question and method in this book, and ¡¦(»ý·«)
mportant?How must you do what work?I do my best naturally always.However, this moment finds foolish and foolish my state now.Had worked omnivorously in hand without order of work and gullet of special target.Perhaps, 8, 9 cotton cloths are going to do thinking such as me and are going to work so also in 10 people.
Must change. First, thinking changes and action must change.This book is refering to such methods. But, the method is refering to that can achieve unexpectedly straightforwardly and easily. As carrying specific targets that is bitter by writing as soon¡´To - Do - List ¡µ, show that can catch work in continued own hint Fire and can accomplish more easily targets that see in hand. Must make immediately today and practice continually, two months with our teachers steadily. Convince that is going to find changing our appearance certainly.
If look how, can think this book that we were a little late to read.But, think that is really lucky.Before 30 exceeds, it is truth good luck that I contact this book. Because making out enough my `Resume the future`, can practice, and do really at position that can implant certain education method about son and sense of mission of my children to be born again with my daughter.
Feel of itself that it means really terrible in this book that begin that is "To dear my son daughter plain" that `A few`s people which lead all over the world are people who carry it in practice with clear vision early`.That is, speak that it is thing that `Can become a person who a good person is not apart and we are good laying target`.
Can find myself who lay firm target and write by writing and do soliloquy and do the target own Tuesday steadily, and dominate my action as Chinese ancient history "Wasinsangdam " and accomplish the target necessarily sometime also continuously.
Of course, think that can rest excessively as for speech.As speak that is `Resolve three day`, it is never easy work to transfer by action.If is human, know to lay these target everybody and wish to become so also.But, a person who have accomplished the target is not more to only some %.I too such dream and ideal have but note down specific realization method and glow as this book and process that do own Tuesday did not know well.
Also, tried to study fittingly and work tried to do too fittingly.It is that this band of robbers attention drives and admits us for path of failure justly.That is, is speaking that is only failure necessarily to a person who do fittingly, and is moving cage as `Do best when a tiger catches rabbit` by the example.
That fail several be .No, failure is do necessarily.By the example in pro-baseball the best batter more than 60% necessarily fail be .A person who hit a person who succeed and do not go through failure is that is less than only one person.That is, failure is never that is mother of success but gains success to anyone but, is speaking person savages that can succeed which stand up again like tumbling doll without losing courage and challenge strongly in the target.Also, that have collapsed at oneself selection measure if have lived peacefully there because reached in some target downfall of Roman Empire or Shilla, and realize to pierce heart in the example of frog of warm water inside.
If there is no been desirable vision living peacefully to the best position even the world best strong mans, the plain has selected too, and I give must live life how and must live by way of some target desperately in the example that have met miserable result.
That is, is speaking success in life and success that become personality moral culture.In `Target that there is no character is jail ticket` our world success in life intention week as well as nowaday politics actuality of of problem plainly pinch .Succeed in examination and people of Nabureong are many very impudently to our society that did so-called `Success in life` that becomes a judge, public prosecutor and member of the National Assembly goes to prison at measure.People who have been by once in the jail among people which speak that succeeded in life are quite many.Of course, life that there is no more development there has abandoned early Manchurians, but we will not must do.It is work that my children must plant way of target that character is gone ahead necessarily.
As spoke `Though horse that go is beautiful, horse which come is beautiful`, I entertain first, and I praise first, and I must do well first really. Korean speaks `Do jealousy because is painful if other people succeed in life`.Is so in fact. Each single person becomes well really and is clever, work is doing not become more and had seen much examples that kill even how in our history, and know well that is similar too come at now preferably because slander each other like grain of sand each if unite and is jealous.As compare much with Japan, each single person is insignificant clay kernel, cement powder but if unite, there is necessity to learn character of a nation of Japan that display great force necessarily.
Although is after think and do so also heat times, white times that must do well to our teachers as well as me, get disappointed much my mind that is unequal.But, if turn around anew, Bukkeureowojinda in spirit that I recognize and respected but do our teachers as dean like sister, like elder truly .That tranquilize cordial that treat each other by being true and even if formation`s force sees look of each other because these mind becomes telepathy justly, great energy is mobilized as belief and trust .Justly synergy effect of `Win Win` feels again urgently that appear when respect each other as genuine spirit.
As spoke `Life is existing in Heaven`, a person dies once anyway. Speak that trainee who pass state law examination died working too hard so in the midst of charge short time yearly income .It is poor date truly. Of course, can die so. But do not die, but it is work that do so. Where will work to do not what if do work enough to die be? Free charge is that is never in the world. That I do as that thing which can get is rule of the world think .Let`s try once. Let`s accomplish my dream and our globe dream and excellent visions of my children one after another now.
Finally, made writing for our teachers for our globe image that change. Secret method to catch soon through be very simple, but steadily practice must .Our image that change necessarily two, convincing that is sour behind find can .....
Made stationery which implant vision to dear my son, daughters another .Of course, there is phrases of great change to myself.
Must meet days that get cold rearming this phrases by professional`s mind again by meter substantially.